The Beit Midrash "Torat Shimon Michael Sellam" was established by Rabbi Shimon Yisrael Shlit"a, to create a program for the benefit of the young and inspired learners of the Holy Torah and to prepare them for a certification and recognition from The Chief Rabbinate of Israel to serve as future Judges, leaders, and teachers of Klal Israel.
The certificates are obtained by studying the foundations of Halakha and Civil Law according to the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch. Also reviewed are the Halachic rulings of contemporary Rabanim on daily issues of our generation and time that are renewed each day in the scope and accordance with the Chaburahs.
In just a few short years the Kollel has grown to host close to 300 Avreichim learning between a handful of different Chaburahs in 4 different locations (3 branches in Jerusalem and 1 in Meron). Each Chaburah is run by distinguished Talmidei Chachamim preparing tomorrow's leaders.

4 different locations : 3 branches in Jerusalem and 1 in Meron
Rabbanut Chaburah
This was the first group to be opened upon the inauguration of our Kollel and is mainly intented for newly married men in which the three most central topics of Shabbat, Nidah, and Taharah, and Isur v'Heter are tudied. These three areas of study are the foundation and basis for every halachic ruling. Most of the questions asked by individuals deals mainly with these important topics.
Roshei Chaburah :
Rabbi Ofir Malka Shlita
Rabbi Aharon Dagan Shlita
Material Covered :
Tur and Shulchan Aruch (parts of Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah)
Tractates - Shabbat, Chulim, Nidah
Years of Study : 8 years
Number of official Rabbinic tests : 3 tests
Group Size : 70 Avreichim
Dayanut Chaburah
The purpose of this group is to train judges who will discuss and rule on serious and important Halachot and will constitute the next generation of Judaic Judges according to our holy Torah.
Roshei Chaburah :
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Toledano Shlita Av Beit Din
Rabbi HaGaon Shimon Farber Shlita
Material Covered :
Tur and Shulchan Aruch (parts of Hoshen Mishpat, Even Ha'ezer)
Tractates - Baba Kama, Baba Metzia, Baba Batra, Sanhedrin, Ketubut, Gitin, Kiddushin
Years of Study : 12 years
Number of official Rabbinic tests : 3 tests
Group Size : 36 Avreichim
Khai Tayib St Branch in Jerusalem
Nashim-Nezikim Chaburah
The overall framework of this group is to learn the tractates in great detail covering much ground. The main emphasis is put on knowing all the topics that are studied in the Yeshivah systems with deep understanding and clear knowledge. The participants are also trained to teach and innovate so that Bz''H they can immediately serve as leaders in the Torah world upon completing the program and teach the next generation.
Roshei Chaburah :
Rabbi Menashe Aviezri Tufik Shlita
Rabbi Elkana Sananesse Shlita
Material Covered :
The central and theoretical tractates of Talmud Bavli - Baba Metzia, Baba Batra, Gitin, Kiddushin, Ketubot, Yevamot.
Years of Study : 8 years
Number of official Rabbinic tests : 3 tests
Group Size : 28 Avreichim
Kinyan HaShas
This group is intended for special Avreichim whose goal and ambition is to know all parts of the Shas Talmud Bavli with absolute knowledge. The main purpose of this Chaburah is to acquire a complete knowledge of the entirety of Shas and to know it by heart.
Roshei Chaburah :
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Shlita
Material Covered :
The entire order of the Shas Talmud Bavli
Years of Study : 9 years
Number of official Rabbinic tests : 3 tests
Group Size : 26 Avreichim
Community Rabbis Chaburah
This group is intended for those who have completed their basic Rabbinical studies and now want to be proficient in other halachic issues that fall on the shoulders of a community Rabbi such as the laws of building mikvahs and eiruvim, the laws of Holidays, the laws of mourning, the laws of Brit Mila and conversions, as well as the laws of Shemitta, Challah, Terumot and Maasrot, etc. This group includes the older Avreichim in the Kollel, most of whom are now Halachic teachers and important Rabbis in various communities.
Roshei Chaburah :
Rabbi Yisrael Tufik Shlita
Material Covered :
Tur and Shulchan Aruch (parts of Orach Haim and Yorah Deah).
Years of Study : 6 years
Number of official Rabbinic tests : 8 tests
Group Size : 30 Avreichim